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Teaching Philosophy

My Teaching Philosophy 

Enthusiastic, inquisitive, lively children are in the process of growing and learning throughout their educational careers. It is my hope to be a contributing component in this journey toward knowledge for young children. When implementing a child centered curriculum it is my objective to keep in my mind that learning is as unique as the individual child. It is my goal to be aware of how young children think, feel and communicate. To do this I must address their physical, social, emotional and cognitive developmental needs.

In aspiring to meet the developmental need of the naturally curious child I make every effort to be that positive role-model that listens and guides them through the learning process. Since it has been my experience that children are active, not passive learners they require time to have hands on experiences with their environment. I make every effort to treat children as negotiators, allowing them input into their learning experiences. Children may choose to retell a story, finger play, act out a story, flannel board, puppet play, or create their own versions of language by becoming an author. This interactive experience has proved to be an essential component in fostering an excitement for continued learning. I find that when allowed to participate in their own learning experiences children gravitate toward activities that are developmentally appropriate for them. They set their own goals and work toward accomplishing them by building on what they already understand as they interact with others in social, collaborative situations.

To measure these learning experiences, I invite children to discuss and to contribute to the selection of activities, books, routines, and concepts presented. Having children become active participants in instruction provides me with an accurate and fun approach to determine their understanding of oral language, and written language.

To foster understanding among children, I am careful to be a resource, facilitator and model addressing the needs of the individual child. I plan carefully, allow for spontaneous activities, and I am flexible. The literacy concepts described in my philosophy foster communication and the acquisition of language in young children. It is my belief that listening and speaking are integral parts of any curriculum. These concepts can easily be adapted for the classroom, and were used by myself during my practicum. I found it to be a natural approach to all subjects covered within the scope of my experience.

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