CHILDREN'S LITERATURE | AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR FOCUS | BOOKLIST | LITERATURE CIRCLE | REFLECTIONS | BOOK SELL | WEB RESOURCES | Children's Literature Mid-Term and Final Evaluation | Four Corners Storytelling Festival | Literary Element/Genre | Jeopardy Questions | EDUCATING LINGUISTICALLY DIVERSE STUDENTS | I AM FROM POEM | MY FAMILY STORY | REFLECTIONS | Educating Linguistically Diverse Mid-Term Evaluation

Educating Linguistically Diverse Mid-Term Evaluation

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This class is a combination of multiculturism, literature circle ideas, and writing.  I am really enjoying working with my student at Apache Elementary.  She has diverse stories to tell.  If I just give her the satisfaction of listening to her, she seems so relieved. 
The text seems to be an idea that is touched on in many other classes.  The best way to learn how to deal with diversity in the classroom I believe is to work in a classroom.  Just by working in the classroom at Apache I have learned so much from the one student I am working with.

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